D$^3$REAM is a full space $\textit{de novo}$ inverse materials design (DNID) approach that fully automates the materials design for target physical properties, without the need to provide atomic composition, chemical stoichiometry, and crystal structure in advance.

System requirements


Getting started

We provide the examples of D$^3$REAM for the inverse design materials with target properties. The examples show at the path D3REAM/example.

The details of input parameters of D$^3$REAM


# The chemical formula of the compound, element symbol + count, i.e., Ca4 S4, Cs1 Pb1 I3
# compound = Ca4 S4

# [2] / [1-10] / [1-10, 15] / [1-10, 15-20] / [1, 5-10, 15, 16]
atom_element = [1,3-9,11-17,19-22,29-35,37-40,47-53,55-56,81-83] [1,3-9,11-17,19-22,29-35,37-40,47-53,55-56,81-83]

# [2] / [1-10] / [1-10, 15] / [1-10, 15-20] / [1, 5-10, 15, 16]
atom_count = [1-5] [1-5]

# use or nor search children cell
use_children_cell = True

# limit the max atomic distance
#   1) min_atomic_dist_limit = 0, no limit;
#   2) min_atomic_dist_limit < 0, relative distance, dist_ab < (radii_a+radii_b)*abs(min_atomic_dist_limit);
#   3) min_atomic_dist_limit > 0, absolute distance (unit: Angstrom), dist_ab < min_atomic_dist_limit
min_atomic_dist_limit = -0.7

# [min_V, max_V], limit cell volume size; if `volume_limit = [0, 0 ]`, no limit
volume_limit = [0, 0]

# limit the max vacuum size (unit: Angstrom); if `max_vacuum_limit = 0`, no limit
max_vacuum_limit = 5.0

# Output path, use to save the results.
output_path = .


# megnet, m3gnet, vasp
calculator = m3gnet

# The GN model file path, it is better to use absolute path.
calculator_path = F:\d3ream\calculators\m3gnet\origin_model\EFS2021

# relax or not
use_calculator_relax = True

# keep symmetry or not, when relax structure
use_keep_symmetry = True

# symmetry precicion
symprec = 0.001

# Load model and predict using GPU
use_gpu = False


# Search algorithm: 1) 'rand' (Random Search); 2) 'tpe' (Bayesian Optimization);
#                   3) 'pso' (Particle Swarm Optimization);
#                   4) 'etpe'
#                   5) `tpe2` (Bayesian Optimization)
algorithm = tpe2

# The count of initial random points, only valid when the algorithm is tpe
n_init = 200

# The maximum steps of program runs
max_step = 5000

# Specify the random seed, -1 is None
rand_seed = 100

# TODO support future
use_resume = False

# only support `tpe2`
n_mpi = 1

# Database URL, only n_mpi>=2
storage = ''


# [2] / [1-10] / [1-10, 15] / [1-10, 15-20] / [1, 5-10, 15, 16]
space_group = [1-230]

# Generate WyckPos site: 1) 1 -> Generate `max_wyck_pos_count` WyckPos combinations before optimization;
#                        2) 2 -> Generate all WyckPos combinations after optimization (not recommended when the number of atoms > 15);
#                        3) 3 -> Generate WyckPos by optimization algorithms with random site (['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', [rand], ...]);
#                        4) 4 -> Generate WyckPos by optimization algorithms strictly (['a', 'a', 'b', 'b']);
wyck_pos_gen = 3

# The maximum count of WyckPos combinations, only valid when `wyck_pos_gen = 1`
max_wyck_pos_count = 200000

# use or nor flexible WyckPos site (# TODO delete)
# use_flexible_site = True
# Lattice a,b,c (unit: Angstrom):
# [2] / [1-10] / [1-10, 15] / [1-10, 15-20] / [1, 5-10, 15, 16]
lattice_a = [2-30]
lattice_b = [2-30]
lattice_c = [2-30]

# Lattice alpha,beta,gamma (unit: degree):
# [2] / [1-10] / [1-10, 15] / [1-10, 15-20] / [1, 5-10, 15, 16]
lattice_alpha = [20-160]
lattice_beta = [20-160]
lattice_gamma = [20-160]

# float
# lattice_precision = 0.1


  If you use D$^3$REAM for research, please consider citing our paper:
  Guanjian Cheng, Xin-Gao Gong, Wan-Jian Yin. “An approach for full space inverse materials design by combining universal machine learning potential, universal property model, and optimization algorithm.” Science Bulletin 2024;69(19):3066-3074. Doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.07.015.